Prayer power “A change in the weather”

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By Mervyn Morelock,Lt. Colonel

Have you ever prayed for a change in the weather? I suppose we all have at one time or another. We pray for good weather when we begin a trip, whether by land, air or sea. We pray for good weather when we are planning a picnic, taking a hike, or going to the beach. Have you ever thanked God when he has answered those prayers? The Bible tells of many times when a change in the weather came when people prayed.

Moses said to Pharaoh, “As soon as I have gone out of the city, I will stretch out my hand to the Lord. The thunder will cease, and there will be no more hail” (Ex. 9:29 ESV).

Psalm 107:23-31 relates one of the many examples of God answering prayer in the face of a calamity. Merchant ships struggled in a raging sea, but when the crew cried out to the Lord in their trouble, he stilled the storm to a whisper.

A more modern true story is that of James H. O’Neill, chief chaplain of the U.S. Third Army during World War II, who prayed for a change in the weather. It was the Battle of the Bulge, and a terrible storm grounded air support and prevented reinforcements or supplies from reaching the front. The American forces were in great peril. General George S. Patton asked O’Neill to urge the troops to pray.

“Urge all of your men to pray,” he wrote other chaplains. “Pray when driving. Pray when fighting. Pray alone. Pray with others. Pray at night and pray by day. Pray for the defeat of our wicked enemy whose banner is injustice and whose goal is oppression.”

God responded to the prayers—the clouds disbursed unexpectedly, and the Nazi empire was soon defeated.

Scripture and history are filled with proof that God often ends calamities in response to the prayers of his people. If you are under dark clouds today, rest assured that the weather is no obstacle to God. The forecast for your life—and your nation—can be changed instantly when you pray.

We have a growing file of praise reports from those who have appeared on the Call to Prayer list. There is power in prayer to change the weather forecast and our health forecast!

Colonel Linda Griffin, who had serious back surgery nine weeks ago writes, “I am so very grateful for all your prayers, encouraging notes, flowers, plants and visits. Most of all, I am grateful to God that it seems this back surgery will allow me to spend the next number of years with a pretty normal back and range of movements. God is so good!”

Captain Jennifer Erickson-King writes, “I would like to say thank you to those who have sent cards and emails, made phone calls and prayed for my recent surgery. I am getting better each day and I would ask for your continued prayers as I start my physical therapy sessions this week.”

Yes, there is power in prayer! The above illustrations are a small sample of the positive responses that have come in from those who have received answers to prayers. So keep on believing, praying and sharing the good news of our powerful, almighty, loving God!

Psalm 107:1: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. 

To request prayer and view other prayer requests and praise reports visit

Comments 6

  1. Me and my family are giong to williamsburg virginia on july 14th and we are statung in a condo for 4 days i am so happy. Im just scared the weather might change or it will rain on either if tge days. I jist want to pray till the 14th. Please pray for me that it will not rain on either of the days. And it will be the best vacation trip we ever had. I will like to praise the lord thtats how much i really want.

  2. Please I pray that the weather will miraculously change for this weekend. the last week of summer. I would love to enjoy this last weekend before my babies go back to school. Please pray for beautiful sunny clear skies on long island ny

  3. I pray that the weather for next weekend changes. As of now it is saying rain and I am praying it will change so I can go skiing.

  4. I pray that the tropical depression off our coast will be blown out to sea. No floods no unusual rain falls.
    We get our more than a fair share of rain fall in south east TX

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