Front lines/ News briefs of the West

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Be quick to give a meal to the hungry, a bed to the homeless—cheerfully (1 Peter 4:9 MSG).

GRAND JUNCTION, COLO.—Volunteers from the corps visited 35 families—recipients of school backpacks from The Salvation Army—inviting them to a Fall Blitz rally/Sunday school that included bounce houses and lunch. Seven families that came to the rally day  asked that a volunteer pick them up for church the following week.

The corps plans another visitation campaign for November; they will invite families to breakfast and combined Sunday school classes, and will give each family a turkey.

Captains Daniel and Terrie Wilson are corps officers.


HANFORD, CALIF.—The Salvation Army partnered with the Hanford and Fresno chapters of the Christian Motorcyclists Association for the “Bear Run,” an annual outreach ministry for youth with serious medical conditions. Corps Officers Majors Greg and Orpha Moody provided the corps facility, food and support for the run.

This year, BrieAnna Hines, age 16, received a stuffed “biker” bear and an age-appropriate Bible along with a motorcycle ride.


SIERRA VISTA, ARIZ.—The Salvation Army participated with other local ministries in Cox Communications’ annual Halloween Fall Festival in the Park, running a scare-free zone called Harvest in the Park.

Along with games, prizes and candy, the Army set up a booth called “Are You Going to Heaven?” Corps Officer Captain Bob Schmig reports that over 100 people came to the booth, with 39 giving their life to Christ.

In all, 3,000-4,000 people visited Harvest in the Park, experiencing the love of Christ on Halloween.


RENO, NEV.—On Nov. 11, the City of Reno honored veterans with a downtown parade. The Salvation Army Northern Nevada Emergency Canteen served hot beverages to warm up spectators and participants.

Captain Michael Johnson, Reno assistant corps officer, noted that four of the ROTC youth in the parade are Salvation Army soldiers. Several corps members walked with the canteen as it joined the parade, and the crowd cheered for The Salvation Army.


SAN DIEGO—In late October, 132 seniors from across the Sierra del Mar Division assembled at the Kroc Center to “Cruise Around the World,” in a day filled with cruise-like activities. Captain Osei Stewart, Sarah Kalentermidis and Lt. Jay Koebel serenaded them and the El Centro Dancers performed Spanish dances. Captain Jenni Perine gave the Bible message, followed by Patrick Hanifin’s clean comedy. Guests dined and enjoyed games. Divisional Leader Major Michele Lescano offered the closing devotion.


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