Southwest DHQ built on the cross of Christ

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Southwest Divisional Headquarters officers and employees pray for God’s blessing on the new building. Left to right: Captain Derek Strickland, Major Patti Brooks, Lt. Col. Joe Posillico, Jeff White, Mark Sorensen and Nancy Keith

By Heather Andreasen

The new Southwest Divisional Headquarters building, currently under construction, has the cross of Christ as its foundation. Literally.

At the Deeper Life meetings held over Labor Day weekend, Territorial Commander Commissioner James Knaggs presented a message about being united to Christ, by Christ, and for Christ. Using basic 2 x 4s, he formed the pieces of wood into a cross. Delegates were then invited to sign the cross as a symbol of their dedication to God.

In a brief service Sept. 28, that cross was placed into the foundation of the new building, located in the floor of what will be the main hallway.

Lt. Colonel Joe Posillico, divisional commander, reminded participants of the concept shared by Knaggs. He said that being united to Christ, united by Christ, and united for Christ “is our spiritual commitment that we are making as the cross becomes a permanent part of the foundation of this building.”

Posillico shared the following words from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians: By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 3:10-11).

Comments 1

  1. The best picture I could find on the internet of the Cross of Christ. Just 2 pieces of wood, covered with dirt but also with the names of those connected to Christ.
    In that Cross – I will glory ever!

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