letters to the Editor

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A note of thanks
It is impossible for me to thank everyone individually who kindly remembered me and my family in the promotion to Glory of Commissioner Lawrence Smith. The prayer support, messages and phone calls have brought comfort to us. Please accept my grateful thanks.
God is sustaining me and is my strength!

Mrs. Commissioner Wilma Smith

The following letters were sent to New Frontier by Salvation Army units that received them. We share them as examples of appreciation for the many acts of kindness done through Army programs.

Redondo Corps, Calif.
“Thank you most sincerely for the delicious full course meals delivered to me three days per week. Please thank everyone who makes it possible to provide such tasty, complete meals to folks. I am 87 and can no longer cook, but Meals on Wheels makes me feel like I did!”

Antonia Berdin

Oakland, Calif., ARC
“I must bring to your attention the outstanding care I received while visiting your donation drop off center site. I had to endure cleaning out my mother’s belongings…which amounted to approximately 4 U-Haul trucks and two pick-ups made at her home. Please extend my thanks to Staley W., Ed C., Francisco G., S. Ali S., Rudy G., Cleveland O., Daniel, and Andre W. Their professional and courteous attitude, expert knowledge, and patience in handling my specific issues were very important to me and my mother and I can never say how much I appreciated their willingness to help, going well and beyond the all of duty.

“In the past, I never thought about the things I dropped off, nor did I think the people who worked at your many establishments even cared, since it was just a job—but I now know and personally understand how they handle my issues as if they were their own. I am completely satisfied and will continue to provide my charitable monetary donations to your organization. I applaud the work, dedication, and the continued efforts that are bestowed upon not jut this community but all communities over the United States.”

Ms. K. Brown

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