Chris Mallett Memorial Concert

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Musical evening at Torrance Corps provides scholarships to school of music.

by Edie Jenkins –

Courtney Stennett and Jenna Gleason perform a vocal duet.

Chris Mallett was divisional music secretary for Southern California from 1986 until his sudden promotion to Glory on June 18, 2000. He also served as bandmaster at the Torrance, Calif. corps. Under his leadership many young people developed in their spiritual lives as well as in musicianship. In Chris’s memory a scholarship fund was established to allow young musicians the opportunity to attend the Southern California Division’s school of music held each summer at Camp Mt. Crags. Since then the Torrance Corps has hosted an annual Chris Mallett Memorial Concert with the proceeds going toward the scholarships.

“The 7th annual Chris Mallett Memorial Concert was a great success,” said Torrance Corps Officer Major Ivan Wild. “Enough funds were raised to send two children to the school of music next summer.”

A full house greeted the Torrance band as it commenced the program with the stirring march “Jubilee” (Drury), followed by a sparkling rendition of “New York, New York.”

Featured soloist, Barbara Allen of the Pasadena Tabernacle Corps, captivated the audience with “O Happy Day” (Steve Allen), “The Road Is Long” (Barbara Allen), and “It Happened to Me” (Gowans/Larsson).

The Torrance junior band demonstrated their musical ability with “Play, Pray and Praise” by William Himes. Clarinet soloist Jessica Kelley, Tustin Ranch Corps, presented “Clarinet Concerto First Movement” (Weber) with piano accompaniment by Territorial Music Secretary Neil Smith.

The Torrance singing company, under the direction of Jacqui Larsson, offered the audience: “The Very Best” (John Larsson) and “The Mystery.”

A highlight of the program was the Torrance band’s rendition of “On My Knees” (arr. Kevin Larsson), featuring a vocal duet by Jenna Gleason and Courtney Stennett.

A brief drama, The Prime Opportunity, by Kristy Tangermann and Karen Gleason illustrated the importance of being sensitive to people’s spiritual needs. Captain Candy Stennett, who recently began a drama ministry at the corps, directed them.

Another offering by Barbara Allen included “Through It All” and the song made famous by Judy Garland, “Get Happy.”

Next was the band’s rendition of Eric Silverberg’s composition, “Praising.”

The Torrance songsters, led by Major Kelly Pontsler, presented “Rock Eternal” (Gowans/Larsson), “Limitless Grace” (Hastings/Blyth) and “Love Cannot Fail” (Gowans/Blyth), spotlighting soloist Michael O’Brien.

“The concert spanned several generations,” said Bandmaster Kevin Larsson. “It drew participants of various ages and musical ability together with a common purpose—that of offering praise to God.”

Following Wild’s devotional message, the band’s offering of “In Christ Alone” (arr. Martin Cordner) brought the evening to a conclusion.

“It was great to see the wide variety of music and experience level; beginners participated as well as well-established musicians,” said Wild. “It’s wonderful that God can use such a wide variety of roles to bless people and to encourage others to pursue the art of music.”

The Chris Mallett Concert is a family affair, as Chris’s brother, David, and his wife, Beryl, recently became soldiers at the Torrance Corps after relocating from England to be near daughters Jacqui Larsson (Torrance Corps) and Nicola Woods (Pasadena Tabernacle Corps) and their families. David participates in the band and provides brass lessons to young musicians; Beryl is in songsters.

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