The 90-plus society

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Santa Monica Silvercrest celebrates residents who have seen nine decades.

by Peter Lindstead –

Pictured here are nine of the residents. Back row from left to right: Mary Mulholland, Rosemary Palmer, Jane Alsberg, Miriam Anderson. Front row from left to right: Margit Johannson, Cecilia Rosenthal, Trudy Weiner, Sue Rossen. Inset: Allene King.

Santa Monica Silvercrest recently recognized its residents who comprise the distinguished “90-plus society.” Currently, 14 are members, and the total years represented adds to 1,299. The average age is 92.78 years, and the oldest resident will be 98 in October.
Words of wisdom from several society members are: “Reaching 90 I attribute to good luck. I had good genes.” “Live by the golden rule.” “Having a good sense of humor and always treating others as you want to be treated.” “A positive outlook.” “Helping poor children, praying and trusting God.” “I manage to always keep busy and to have activities to look forward to.” “Though I’m the only one left in my family, the church has filled that gap and helped sustain my faith in Jesus Christ.”
Congratulations to all on achieving 90 plus years!

Pictured here are nine of the residents. Back row from left to right: Mary Mulholland, Rosemary Palmer, Jane Alsberg, Miriam Anderson. Front row from left to right: Margit Johannson, Cecilia Rosenthal, Trudy Weiner, Sue Rossen, Allene King.

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