by Ted Horwood, Captain –
April marked a month of several missionary activities. A team led by Major Rose-Marie Leslie and Donna Guerrero, from the Southern California Division, visited five countries in the Latin American North Territory, their Partner in Missions territory.
Lt. Col. Mervyn Morelock from the Southwest Division and Michael Freeman from PraiseWorks, Tustin Ranch Corps, traveled to the Democratic Republic of Congo, another Partner Territory, to establish corps and program activity relationships.
In an effort to secure an additional venue for short-term missionary support, Captain John Bennet, Intermountain Division; Majors Ed and Joyce Loomis, Sierra Del Mar Division; and Dana Libby, Pasadena Corps, traveled to Mexico City. While there they visited with Colonels Olin and Dianne Hogan and Majors Jim and (Dr.) Sallyann Hood. The purpose of the visit was to acquire information on how corps from the Western Territory can send teams to Mexico to strengthen our missionary vision and inter-action.
In addition, Major Guy Hawk took a group of young people from the Del Oro Division to Mexico to repair corps buildings and conduct youth ministry activities.
Erik Dabis, Sacramento Corps, was able to realize his desire for a short-term lay missionary experience. He has been sent to THQ in the Caribbean Territory, located in Kingston, Jamaica. Erik’s responsibilities will include computer support, youth leadership development and music.
The summer service corps teams were announced. Teams will be providing opportunities for cross-cultural experiences in inner-city ministries, as well as Micronesia and Costa Rica.
As the summer approaches, pray about ways your corps can take a missions trip.