Major George Bawden (Port Angeles, Wash.) has undergone emergency eye surgery to repair a detached retina. Since his activities are restricted he was not able to attend the Congress. Cards and messages may be sent to 3003 S. Oak, Port Angeles WA 98362.
Dwaine Johnston, father of Lt. Samantha Johnston (Longview Temple, Wash.) has undergone a quadruple bypass. Messages and assurances of prayer may be sent to 1629 – 10th Ave., Longview WA 98632.
George Lesko, son-in-law of Captains Kenneth and Sylvia Waldron (R), passed away recently due to cancer. Condolences may be sent to the family at P.O. Box 117, White Springs FL 32096.
Ardie Trickel, mother of Captain Troy Trickel, suffered a massive heart attack recently. The family has chosen to discontinue life support. Your prayers will be appreciated during this critical time. Cards and messages may be sent to the Trickels at P.O. Box 2814, Kenai AK 99611.
Brig. Martha Hansen (R) underwent a second hip replacement surgery due to complications arising from her previous surgery. Cards and messages may be sent to her at 7320-27th Ave. N.W., Seattle WA 98117.
Clara Lee Strop, sister of Major Barbara Blix, passed away unexpectedly in Roseburg, Ore. Messages of sympathy may be sent to 7339 S.W. Daisy Dr., Aloha OR 97007.
Lt. Col. Robert Bodine suffered a massive heart attack and has undergone angioplasty and an angiogram. He has been moved from intensive care to the Cardiac Care Unit and is progressing nicely. He cannot receive calls but cards may be sent to him at Lutheran General Hospital, 177l6 Dempster, Park Ridge IL 60068.