2017 Partners in Community Service Awards Announced

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Gala event raised $275,000 for Pathway of Hope initiative for Hawaii’s homeless.

(L-r): Daniel Cody, Advisory Board Chair, The Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division; Sara Miura; Jack Wong, CEO, Kamehameha Schools; Signe Godfrey; Divisional Leaders Majors Lani and John Chamness | Photos Courtesy Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division
The Salvation Army Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Division presented its 2017 Partners in Community Service awards May 5, during a gala event at The Salvation Army Family Treatment Services facility in Honolulu. Honorees included the Miura family, Honolulu Advisory Board member Signe Godfrey, and Kamehameha Schools. The event raised approximately $275,000 for the Army’s Pathway of Hope initiative that provides a foundation of housing, jobs, and a new community to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty, homelessness and drug addiction.
“Each of our honorees fully embraces the spirit of the award by giving back to our island communities in significant, impactful ways,” said Major John Chamness, Hawaiian and Pacific Islands Divisional Commander. “We wouldn’t be able to reach the 80,000 people in need each year without the support of companies and individuals like our honorees. Mahalo to all the attendees, donors and volunteers who helped make our 2017 gala event such a success. We are truly counting our blessings!”
Chamness spoke about the effectiveness of the Pathway of Hope initiative.
“We aim to bring lasting changes to participant’s lives by focusing on three pillars of change: jobs; housing; and a new community of support and accountability,” he said. “Research indicates that an addicted or homeless person’s ability to make lasting changes in their lives is greatly enhanced by providing services that focus on removing barriers for these three pillars.
“Our experience shows us that families and individuals often face a repeating cycle of recidivism, where they move from crisis to crisis and remain vulnerable. By successfully offering a targeted set of services, rooted in strengths-based case management, we will help more families and individuals truly break the cycle of crisis and achieve stability.”
Among others, event sponsors included Pacific Business News, A-1 A-Lectrician, Inc., CW Associates, Deja Vu Surf Hawaii, GMR, Honolulu Star-Advertiser and Kamehameha Schools.
A number of local restaurants supplied menu items, including Arancino Ristorante Italiano, Chef Chai, Eating House 1849 by Roy Yamaguchi, Halekulani, Hy’s Steak House, Il Gelato, JJ French Pastry Bistro, MW Restaurant, Senia, and 3660 on the Rise.
To help support Pathway of Hope, Camp Homelani, and other Salvation Army programs in the islands, visit www.hawaii.salvationarmy.org or call 808-988-2136.
2017 Partners in Community Service Award Recipients
The Miura Family
Twenty-five years ago, when Hurricane ‘Iniki struck the Hawaiian Islands, The Salvation Army responded immediately, serving thousands of residents, including the Miuras—a family whose history dates back nearly as far as The Salvation Army’s presence on Kaua’i, close to 120 years.
Today, M. Miura Store, Inc., also known as Déjà Vu Surf Hawaii, is an award-winning company that believes in giving back and serving the local community. The Miuras have played key leadership roles for The Salvation Army on the Kaua‘i Advisory Board and on the leadership council for emergency disaster relief.
Signe Godfrey
“Doing The Most Good” is a life theme for Signe Godfrey, who has focused her efforts and resources to The Salvation Army since 2003, through service on the Honolulu Advisory Board. She often brings along her “army” of friends to partner with her in the work to help others.   
Kamehameha Schools
Kamehameha Schools, through its Ka Pua Initiative, partnered with The Salvation Army to establish the Na ‘Ôpio program at Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center. The initiative aims to deliver effective learning opportunities for all keiki on the Wai‘anae Coast by partnering with community service providers to ensure they grow to be tomorrow’s local and global leaders. Since its inception, children have increased their comfort level around and in the water, increased their knowledge of water safety, taught and strengthened basic swim skills, and participated in character building activities.

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